Letters to magic circle law firms on 29 November 2024
On 29 November 2024, the following letters were delivered to the following law firms, enclosing counsel’s opinion on conscientious objection at work, which can be found on our website.
On 29 November 2024, the following letters were delivered to the following law firms, enclosing counsel’s opinion on conscientious objection at work, which can be found on our website.
PRESS RELEASE [EMBARGO: NONE] [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] PHOTOS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2upuu2dtbj4byddr8oi4x/ACsakk3HUIQ-0ACeY-LAYgw?rlkey=xooc6qsux1o2goz1n4i80ffcv&st=jdpi8fso&dl=0 LEADING DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS HOLD A HISTORICAL SIT-IN AT FIVE FOSSIL FUEL ENABLING ‘MAGIC CIRCLE’ LAW FIRMS In a global first, lawyers come face to face with doctors and scientists questioning the role of lawyers in the climate crisis as legal advisors to and representatives of …
Read more “Press Release: Sit-in at fossil fuel enabling law firms”